CT Video Marketing

CT Video MarketingHave you been thinking that maybe you need to do a video for your marketing, but you don’t know what it should be about or what you would say?

Even if you did, you think you can’t afford to hire a professional. You thought about doing it yourself, but you’ve seen plenty of those awful DIY videos out there…the ones that make the business owner look like a jerk.

Anyone can hit record and throw a video online that no one but their mother will ever see, but creating a professionally produced marketing machine that doesn’t sound like a sales pitch, or make you look like a stuffed shirt, that’s an art.

Our strategic partner, VideoActivePro, is that artist. From the simple $700 “Shower & Show Up” video package, up through package plans for your FAQ and full-blown video SEO, we can have you well represented on YouTube quickly, easily and effectively, and we’ll even embed the video on your website for free! Video sells. People pay attention. Is it your turn? Click here to check out ours.

And, contact us today to get started.