Welcome to your new hosting account!

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Important things for you to know:

In the event of a problem with your account contact us directly; if we cannot be reached, and it is an urgent problem (site is down, email doesn’t work etc.), visit www.sherwoodsupport.com, read through the tips there, and submit a 24-7 support ticket if needed. These occurances are rare, but occasionally individual computers are blocked from our server because of our hacker-preventative firewall.

You can manage your own hosting account by going to www.northfortyroad.com/cpanel and using your login info (master username and password sent to you when you started the account – contact us if it is lost). Help with Cpanel features can be found here. Your website statistics (number of visits, etc.) can be found in the cpanel under Logs and AWStats.

Have a Google Apps account with us? Click here for instructions and tips.

Billing: You will automatically be renewed annually without any hassles of worrying that your domain name might expire. An online invoice will be sent to your email address on file at renewal time. Note that our invoices are a link to click within an email message – no attachment or paper bill will be sent.

North Forty Road’s hosting is powered by Sherwood Hosting, and small business in Sterling, Mass. that caters to small businesses and individuals providing a high level of service and care. Feel free to visit www.sherwoodhosting.com for complete info about our servers.

Terms of Service: By payment, you have agreed to the Sherwood Hosting Terms of Service (hosting), as well as the North Forty Road Terms of Service (design/development). North Forty Road abides by the Sherwood Hosting Privacy Policy and expects the same courtesy of our clients. Our Please read both and review.

Thanks for hosting with us, and feel free to be in touch with any questions.

Scott Lamlein
North Forty Road Web Design, LLC